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PEEPS® Monster Mash Punch
This PEEPS® inspired creation is courtesy of:

PEEPS® Monster Mash Punch

Every party needs the perfect drink — and we’ve got one the whole family will enjoy. Stir up some magic at your next Halloween gathering with our PEEPS® Monster Mash Punch. It’s easy-to-make, only has four ingredients, and will be the chilling star of the party. Follow our simple steps for this Halloween treat.

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  1. Scoop your lime sherbet into a large punch bowl or mixing bowl.
  2. Pour your lemon-lime soda into the bowl.
  3. Add the pineapple juice into the bowl.
  4. Stir your ingredients until they’re blended.
  5. Add a few drops of green food coloring to color the punch to the green of your choice.
  6. Add a slit to the bottom of your PEEPS® Marshmallow Monsters so they will fit over the rim of a glass.
  7. Place your PEEPS® Marshmallow Monsters on the rims of the glasses you’ll serve the punch with.
  8. Pour your punch into the glasses and enjoy!

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