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PEEPS® Spooky Snack Mix Jar


10 mins


PEEPS® Spooky Snack Mix Jar
This PEEPS® inspired creation is courtesy of:
PEEPS icon


  • Peeps of your choice
  • Jar of your choice (jar shown is approx.. 12” high by 6” wide)
  • Snack mix ingredients of your choice, items like popcorn, pretzels, candies, candy corn, dry cereals, whatever suits your tastes.
PEEPS icon


  1. Gather your jar, PEEPS and snack mix ingredients.
  2. Layer in one ingredient at a time.
  3. Press your PEEPS into the container and adjust to achieve the look you desire.
  4. Continue layering your snack mix ingredients until you reach the top of the jar.
  5. Close jar and if desired add ribbon, bow and/or gift tag.
  6. This PEEPS Spooky Snack Mix makes a great gift for a favorite neighbor, co-worker, teacher or coach.   Mix and match ingredients to fit their individual tastes.

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